Check out my featured coding projects:
This is my first project that I completed which was on saving the bees! 🐝 Bees are a huge part of our enviorment and without them, we will not survive so I am very passionate about this subject. This project was done using HTML and CSS.
Save the Bees ProjectThis is my cool weather app that was created with HTML, CSS, Javascript, and API intergration provided by Shecodes that allows users to search a location and it will display live weather data. This weather app displays the forecast for the week and it the temperature, weather description with icons. This weather application that I created shows accurate, live data.
Weather ProjectThis is my clock application that I created using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. It displays the time of different locations and has a drop down for more locations around the world. It also has 'Current Location' in the drop down to see the date and time of the user's current location.
Clock ProjectThis project was coded by Ellie Korth and it is open-sourced on GitHub